Amazon Payments Website Redesign (Personal tab)

I came onto the Amazon Payments team at the beginning of the website redesign project.
I had a great understanding of's brand and was able to essentially "re-brand"
Amazon Payments to look more like Amazon Payments Website

Edgar Allan Poe

I did everything but write the stories for this book. From the choice of font to the illustrations and binding... This book was created after many long hours of meticulous kerning and...more kerning.

Pirates of Penzance

Design based on the opening sequence from "My Three Sons."

Buckminster Fuller

Inspired by a Buckminster Fuller quote.
Try to find a repeat font in this poster...
You wont!

Woodland Park Zoo

Illustrations made to look like cut
paper using Adobe Illustrator.

The Wrong Tree

This is an illustration I did for an editorial piece.

Hasn't this been fun?

My photo
Seattle, Washington
Some things that I have made are riiight above this section.

The Navigation That No One Will Ever Use