About Me

I am a graphic designer who is passionate about typography. Seriously. Like a type junkie. I put everything I have into projects that I do. I design for the web, and have an understanding of HTML and CSS but, am not a coder. I know that these are very valuable skills to have so I have been teaching myself code.  For a complete list of jobs I have done please refer to my Resume.

If you direct your attention to the picture above, you can see that at one point in my life (well, I guess it's many points in my life) I wore A LOT of pink and turquoise. I assure you that that phase has passed. I also, unfortunately, don't wear those sweet glasses anymore.

I grew up in Oak Harbor on Whidbey Island. Currently, I live in Seattle with my 2 cats.

Hasn't this been fun?

My photo
Seattle, Washington
Some things that I have made are riiight above this section.

The Navigation That No One Will Ever Use