"Flyout" Graphics

Video Games - Madden 13 Release

Sports - Yoga Promotion for the 2013 New Year

When Amazon introduced it's new GNO in 2012, a new graphic style emerged with it. This graphic appears when a specific category name is hovered over.

Video Games - New Discounts on Digital Games

Software - VideoStudio X6 Release 
This new graphic challenges designers to step outside the standard Amazon branded graphic guidelines. There is more emphasis on a mood rather than simply showing the product. Amazon customers are accustom to seeing products for the desired category. This new design invokes a feeling that resonates with the shopper, making Amazon a personal experience.

Verizon Wireless - On-boarding Android Tablets (Welcome message)

Verizon Wireless has many on-boarding email programs. This is one I did for the new purchasers of Android Tablets. There are many dynamic pieces to this message which was quite frankly, very confusing at times. The whole process of the project was based on a series of "if this, then that" statements and questions.

The design elements for this email is purely based off of Verizon's website and identity. I had to manipulate existing icons and create new icons for this project.

On a larger scale, I also developed the global navigation on for all Verizon Wireless emails.

Verizon Wireless - My Verizon Mobile

This is a mobile optimized email introducing new customers to My Verizon Mobile. We are developing a mobile email program for Verizon Wireless which seems funny as they are a wireless centric company. We haven't received the go-ahead from Verizon yet, but it's looking good and will hopefully be in use by the beginning of the new year.

Designing for mobile has been a huge learning experience for me. It has really made me understand information hierarchy and designing for the best possible user experience, on a whole new level. In a mobile optimized email you have to take into consideration which device customers will be viewing this on, which determines how wide to make the email, which determines how much information will be useful in a small amount of space.

I look forward to learning more a about mobile interface design and
applying it to future mobilization projects.

Yahoo! - Thank You For Being Part of the Community

Yahoo! is NICE! They were giving out Starbucks cards to those who were loyal users. This was a request from the director of email marketing for Yahoo!. When we get projects directly from her, you KNOW it's important. The client supplied no assets for this project. I was then thankful for all my years of being a barista. The "Y!" is all Photoshop. HEH.

Yahoo! - Royal Wedding Recap & Guestbook

I really wasn't sure about this email when I was given the request to do this project. I am not one for these types of events, but sometimes you have
to put your feelings aside and work through it.

This is a recap of events on the day of the Royal Wedding. It was a quick turnaround project, due the same day we got the request. The only assets I got from the client was the header logo. So essentially, I was having to tap into the part of my brain that contains all the stuff I could care less about and design this fancy email that millions would receive.

To my surprise (and delight, actually), this was Yahoo!'s top performing email of the quarter.

Yahoo! - Weekly Internal Company Email

"Backyard" is the client's internal email and was requested by the director of email marketing for Yahoo!. She wanted there to be a way to connect employees to the internal Yahoo! website. The client
was very impressed with the outcome of this project.

This email will deploy weekly and the information
will be populated by the client as we just provided
the template.

Amazon Payments Website Redesign (Personal tab)

I came onto the Amazon Payments team at the beginning of the website redesign project.
I had a great understanding of's brand and was able to essentially "re-brand"
Amazon Payments to look more like Amazon Payments Website

Edgar Allan Poe

I did everything but write the stories for this book. From the choice of font to the illustrations and binding... This book was created after many long hours of meticulous kerning and...more kerning.

Pirates of Penzance

Design based on the opening sequence from "My Three Sons."

Buckminster Fuller

Inspired by a Buckminster Fuller quote.
Try to find a repeat font in this poster...
You wont!

Woodland Park Zoo

Illustrations made to look like cut
paper using Adobe Illustrator.

The Wrong Tree

This is an illustration I did for an editorial piece.


This is a little something I made for Elliot Knapp, a friend
and local artist. I designed his album and promotional items.
Elliot on Facebook!

Hasn't this been fun?

My photo
Seattle, Washington
Some things that I have made are riiight above this section.

The Navigation That No One Will Ever Use